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Be the forerunner in circular economy by recycling the company textile waste resource-efficiently and see the results

The Zero Waste service concept is an effective way to recycle all textile waste resource-efficiently.

Zero Waste -konsepti on yrityksille ja organisaatioille vaivaton tapa kierrättää textile waste. We take care of the recycling concept from start to finish. The customer receives a detailed report of the reuse of their textiles.

Zero Waste -konsepti tukee yritysasiakkaan ekologisia tavoitteita pienellä vaivalla, luotettavan kumppanin kanssa. Jätelainsäädännön tiukentuessa yritys voi huoletta uskoa
poistotekstiilit for us to take care of.

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How does it work

Zero Waste -palvelukokonaisuus räätälöidään jokaisen asiakkaan tarpeiden, ja kertyneen poistotekstiilin laadun ja kunnon tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien perusteella. Kartoitamme yhdessä asiakkaan kanssa palvelun mahdollisuudet, ja toteutamme sen avaimet käteen periaatteella. Tekstiilipoistoja voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi business products, personnel gifts, or as fiber form in other products' components.


The preliminary study will provide a turnkey inventory of textile volumes and their life cycle.


We take care of the sorting and cleaning of the materials.


The actual recycling process. Recycling sites are selected for maximum resource efficiency.


Globe Hope provides a report outlining the re-use of this textile waste. The report can be used to project and strengthen the client company’s responsibility message.

Recycling of disposal textiles with Zero Waste service concept promotes e.g. the following UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals


Globe Hope's Zero Waste service reuses existing materials, minimizes the need for new materials, and saves clean water. One of our recycling channels is water purification equipment.


Our operations are based on eco-friendliness, so saving energy is a matter of course for us. The energy we use is EKOenergy-labeled renewable energy from the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation. Energy is saved by itself when new materials do not have to be made.


Globe Hope strives for resource efficiency in all areas. Throughout our operations, we have made products from recycled and surplus materials and encouraged other companies to utilize their leftovers. Due to material savings, our operations have a positive climate impact compared to the use of virgin materials. We offer consumers the products they want, manufactured responsibly.


Globe Hope aims to be climate neutral so that our carbon footprint is at least the size of our carbon footprint by 2025. Our entire operations are based on climate action, and we are a pioneer in the industry.


Olemme yrityksen toiminnasta alkaen valinneet vastuullisia kumppaneita, jotka edistävät kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita. Globe Hope on on FIBS:in jäsen, joka on Pohjoismaiden suurin yritysvastuun edelläkävijöiden ja asiantuntijoiden toimintaverkosto. Teemme yhteistyötä vastuullisten valmistajien ja materiaalien hyödyntäjien kanssa. 


Case: HKL recycled their textile waste responsibly through Zero Waste concept

Hiilidioksidipäästöjen säästö 55 938kg CO2

Vedenkulutuksen säästö 2 469 527 l

See HKL's Zero Waste report

Case: Neles recycled discarded textiles from the brand renewal in a resource-efficient way

Due to re-branding, Neles had leftover textiles, of which 190 kg were given to Neles' staff and the remaining 305 kg were recycled in a resource-efficient way using our Zero Waste -service concept.

Hiilidioksidipäästöjen säästö 7462 kg CO2

Vedenkulutuksen säästö 669 800 l

Read the report

About us

Globe Hope

Globe Hope is a Finnish pioneer in circular economy, launched in 2003. The company values are Ethicality, Ecologicality, Estheticality, Responsibility, Effectivity, and Transparency.

Globe Hopen perustaja Seija Lukkala keksi uusiokäyttää ja jalostaa hylättyjä materiaaleja designtuotteiksi vuosituhannen alussa. Ajatuksesta alkoi Globe Hope's story. Kestävät arvot ja responsible business toteutuvat nykypäivänäkin kaikessa toiminnassamme.

We believe that textile waste can turn into a timeless and durable design product. We create each product using only existing materials: surplus, "waste", or recycled. This is our way of challenging the fashion industry and its standards.

From waste to design since 2003

In 2003 aloitimme toimintamme hyödyntäen instituutioiden, kuten puolustusvoimien ja sairaaloiden, tekstiilejä design tuotteissamme kuluttajille.

Since 2005 alkaen aloitimme yritysyhteistyöt valmistaen business gifts from recycled materials

In 2018 kehitimme Zero Waste -palvelukonseptin yrityksille, jossa kierrätämme kaikki company's textile waste maksimaalista resurssitehokkuutta noudattaen.

In 2021 olemme kehittäneet Zero Waste -konseptin kokonaisvaltaiseksi kumppanuudeksi. Verkostostamme löytyy nyt useita loppukohteita poistotekstiilien kierrätykseen.


Contact us

We have developed a comprehensive and easy-to-use Zero Waste service concept for businesses since 2017. Be part of the revolution and become a sustainable forerunner with us. Contact us, and we'll tell you more about the possibilities of the concept.
p. 050 406 1457

You can also reach us through the form below